I love how the the gak gak´s, the ho-ho -ing of The Eider and the churps of Eider chicks resonate in the narrow harbor, Keila on Skommvær.
They find shelter in the Wedge of Keila and dive to fish for scallops and small crustaceans.
In the past decades, there has been a decline in the population of Eiders all along the coast of NO/Sápmi. The
You can read more about why here:
A warmer ocean is bad news for Eiders
“The common eider is a large diving duck that can be found along the entire coast of Norway, but its numbers are decreasing. Researchers have registered declining eider populations over several years without being able to point to any specific explanation for the decline. They know that introduced American mink and birds of prey pose an increasing threat to adult eiders and that egg-predators, such as crows and large gulls, may have negative impacts on reproduction. Now, researchers have discovered that ocean warming is a direct cause of population decline in this species.” (SEAPOP)
Photo by Kåre Hansen